Our Amazing Senior Team Allowing WFR to Thrive!
Teamwork and connection are critical for healthy workplace wellbeing and at WFR we practice what we preach. Not only do we promote and deliver a healthy work culture, habits and strategies for our clients, but we also prioritise our team. We ensure that our staff have many avenues of support within the business. Our experienced team of Senior Workplace Wellbeing Specialists help us achieve this. While actively delivering WFR programs to our clients themselves, they also offer ongoing support and mentoring for our onsite team members – to allow WFR to thrive!
Workplace mentoring involves a relationship between our experienced senior team members (the mentors) and the broader team (mentees). This relationship supports the mentee’s professional growth, development, and career advancement by leveraging the mentor’s knowledge, skills, and experience. Mentoring can be formal or informal and cover diverse topics, from specific job-related skills to broader career advice and personal development.
Our Support
During onboarding, our senior team guides our new team members through the 3-month New Starter Program. This includes regularly scheduled team training to fully understand how to deliver the WFR products consistently and at the highest standard to our clients. After the New Starter Program period ends, our leaders remain close guides for professional development.
As many of our operational team members work onsite away from the rest of the WFR team, which can contribute to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and disconnection. Our Leadership Team act as key figures to ensure peer support and availability for advice and support when needed. The full WFR team, on-site and corporate office staff, participate regularly in group ‘Huddles’ facilitated by our seniors. These sessions help build social connections throughout the business. During the Huddles, everyone is open and welcome to discuss any personal and professional events affecting them, whether positive or challenging. Ultimately, this is a beneficial time to listen, share, be compassionate, or celebrate aspects of each other’s lives.
Meet Our Seniors Who support WFR to Thrive!

How would you summarise what you do?
Callum – I help improve the health and wellness of staff at Bellevue Gold and educate and guide new starters at WFR.
Isabella – I implement the Workplace Wellbeing Program onsite, supporting the employees’ health and wellness and implementing strategies to reduce injuries.
Joshua – Promote a healthy lifestyle at work. Debunk terrible health and wellbeing advice from social media. Prevent injuries in jobs that are notoriously tough.
What makes you want to stay at WFR?
Callum -The managers and leaders within WFR are always friendly and accepting of all staff members. Everyone is open to helping out when needed, and there is always a good vibe at the social events.
Isabella – I love being amongst other Exercise Physiologists to bounce ideas off and having the support from the Project Managers. I love the opportunities to progress my skill set through training, mentoring and personal development at Team Training Days.
Joshua – The independence and non-micromanaging management styles.
What do you like about our company culture?
Callum – I like that WFR staff are more connected than ever through social events, team training, and huddles.
Isabella – It is super supportive. I love coming into the office or for Team Training and getting excited to see everyone, as it doesn’t happen often. It is also great being around like-minded people on the team. The leadership team also does everything it can to ensure that we can balance our work and home lives and that the team is connected professionally and personally.
Joshua – Get treated like adults, and our time will be valued.
What’s unique about working for WFR?
Callum – FIFO work always presents its challenges and benefits, and the close bond between WFR’s corporate office staff and the FIFO staff is unique
Isabella – I have the perfect balance of independence and support. I have a lot of autonomy on site and freedom to implement strategies to improve health and wellness and injury prevention but am also super supported by my team at WFR and Northern Star Resources.
Joshua – Get exposure to all facets of our contract site, I’ve seen the whole process from finding gold ore to blasting in the pit to pouring gold from a kiln.
What motivates you?
Callum – To provide for my family and get the absolute most out of myself
Isabella – I love helping people and passing on my knowledge. I also like to practise what I preach and try to be the best role model for the site that I can be. Feeling the best I can is so important to me; therefore, eating well, exercising, prioritising sleep, and focusing on gratitude allow me to do the best I can on site and pass this on to others.
What skill do you think everyone should learn?
Callum – Learn how to slow your mind down and relax through breathing and mindfulness. We live in such a fast-paced world that we sometimes need to slow down.
Isabella – Ability to build relationships with people. This is so important, and I feel the progress we’ve made at Jundee is due to the connections that I have made with everyone. It has allowed people to build trust in me, open up, and be vulnerable so that I can help them. This translates to other initiatives around the site, such as Injury Prevention strategies and leaders investing more money and time into the program.
Joshua – Juggle – simple and challenging, important connection for mind and muscle, proprioception, learning ability, party trick.
Describe how you’ve grown professionally since you started working for us.
Callum – My confidence and knowledge around health and wellness has grown immensely since starting with WFR.
Isabella—Team Training has allowed us to develop skills in a range of different things, such as yoga, pilates, using wearable technology, mental health, etc. I have also received guidance from my Project Managers and been given opportunities to support younger employees, which has really developed my skillset in teaching and leading.
Joshua – More confidence in starting programs or projects from the ground up.
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